27 June, 2007

Living in the AIR port!

Im in my way home since 3 days ago. Everything started at 6 am at the hotel room in Manhattan...I got to Laguardia at 8.30am and stayed there all day long. This airport really sucks by the way, is small, dirty and boring... bloody boring!!!
All the AA flights were overbook thus the stand by list was unbelievably near the 200 people... I started at number 47, and go thru number 21... and kept fluctuating all day long. I was desperate and mad and bored ... tired and anxious..all at the same time!! Finally, I prayed like never before I usaully dont ask God for this kind of stuff, but this time I prayed so hard that I got my miracle: I got on the last plane to dallas. I was in the list at the 29 place.... dont know whatever happened to the other 28 people before me.. but thank God they didn't show up!! I got to Dallas around 12 pm. My dear brother-in-law picked me at the airport, and had a sort of a good night sleep.
Next day, tuesday I waited and waited but my little past 4 pm flight was cancelled, so I decided to make a try for the 7.25 flight that was delayed firstly to 8pm then to 10 pm. Eventually, around 9pm I got the feeling again there were by far to many people in the gate waiting for the flight to Monterrey, so my sister's husband picked "again". This time I couldnt sleep at all.

Have you seen the movie Groundhog day ? the one where Bill Murray ended up waiking up on the same day over and over for like a week or so? Well, I feel exactly like that.

Today Im in DFW airport waiting for the flight at 2.10, praying for getting on the plane!!I just want to go home... NY with my friend Martha was real fun, with a sex and the city tour, singing along Hairspary...handsome guys hitting on me, delicious food, nice shopping...But seriously I really want to go home. Today, I am not asking for one of the things in my most wanted list (true love, getting slim and money...and so on)...going home is what really makes me happy! I want to hug my mom and want to get the feeling at last of life without Calvin in the back yard...that's all Im asking for today...Please!! Please!! kamisama onegaishimasu!!! Por favor, por favor!!

1 comment:

marielo said...

y ya llegaste? espero que sí... ahora sí que estas como Dorothy en tierra de Oz, jejeje taconea con tus zapatitos rojos!!!!
Lo de los aeropuertos es un infierno. QPero no te preocupes ya estas más cerca de casita.